Yesterday, 6/10, I sat down to play the CD Poker New Member freeroll. I got hammered pretty hard. Not in the mood for ring cash games, I decided to play a bunch of MTTs:
- Yet another CD Poker freeroll. This one was open to players who had accumulated at least 100 raked hands the day before. The field had 190 players, with the top 20 receiving cash prizes. I managed 15th due to the fact that when we got to the bubble, despite me being the table short stack. Everyone was sitting around trying to fold into the money and I stole everything that wasn't nailed down. I managed to build up to about 6K and cruised into the money. However, when we were down to 15, I got all-in with AK versus QQ, and lost the coin flip. No problem, I was quite happy with my results.
- $5+$1 Party Poker $15K Guaranteed. I was doing quite well and had built my stack up the first hour from my starting 3K in chips to a little over 6K. I was in the BB when a slightly bigger stack on the button raised preflop. We ended up all-in preflop, him with QQ, me with KK. He flopped a Q and that was all she wrote. Out 1540th of 2756.
- Full Tilt $5+$.50. I haven't played a tournament here in ages. I saw this one was close to starting so I entered it. Field size was somewhat small at 390, paying top 36 players. I wasn't doing very well. I never really could build a stack here. I was getting utter garbage, and I couldn't steal because there always seemed to be either too many in limping in front of me, or someone making significant raises that I couldn't come over the top with garbage on. Despite this I found myself still in it when we got down to 40 players. I thought I might be able to fold into the money, but then everyone slowed down, themselves deciding to fold into the money. I got AK, and decided to make a my move, figuring everyone would fold to me. Unfortunately, my only move I could make was the all-in. I did so, and got called by AQo and ATo, both hands I dominated. Unfortunately, with 6 outs between them, I lost when a Q flopped. However, it came with a T, giving me the four jacks as outs along with my K. I missed and was out in 39th. I wouldn't change my play on the bubble at all.
- Party Poker 250 Player Point Freeroll, with a $1250 prize fund. Top 20 places paid. 1017 player field. I manage to get down to about 300, when I get AJo in the SB. Three limpers, and I raise 5xBB. Two of the limpers call. Flop comes J87 rainbow. I bet half my stack, and both call. J on the turn, I go all-in, and both call. I lose to T9o. The other player lost all of his chips on a flushdraw. T9o called all that money off preflop. Uggh!
- PokerStars $1+$.10, no guaranteed prizemoney. I did pretty well in this one, although the money won isn't significant. The field had 1077 players in it with top money being slightly more than $210. I won a lot of hands where I was the favorite. Sure enough, I as soon as I managed to get the table chiplead, I got moved to a table where I was 8th in chips. Why? Why? Despite this, I managed to build my chips up to 30K. I was easily in the money. I wasn't even paying attention to how many were left. I started running into my regular card dead mode that I always run into, but I was stealing quite nicely. However, the blinds were going up faster than I could steal, and I ended up all in when it was down to 25 of us. I can't remember what I had, but knew I had to make a move. It might have been QTs, being the best hand I'd seen in a while. I got called by a monster chipstack who had some lower suited crap, who flopped apair which held up. No matter. I managed a $3.89 win which is a decetn win considering the buy-in.
Saturday's totals: -$10.86
Sunday, 6/11. I have decided I want to take a crack at the PokerStars $15K Guaranteed $3 R&A every day. I think I'll do a buy-in each day, and if I am still around by the break, make an add-on. I don't want to go over the $6.30. Average prizepool in this is over $3K. Bottom payout is usually at spot 198, which usually is double the $6.30 buy-in I will make.
- With that said, I did dismally today. I was in the BB with JJ, when a very loose-aggressive re-buy nut [he'd already rebought 4 times] went all-in in the cutoff. I called. For the first time all day he actually had a hand - QQ, which held up and knocked me out 37 minutes into the tournament. Sticking to my gameplan I left the tournament.
- I decided from here to go to PokerPlex and try to playout the final 75 points I needed to clear my $50 monthly bonus. Everything started well enough, and half way through the required hands, I was up £29, and very happy. Then the parade of suckouts and missed flops happened. It got ugly very fast. I ended down £38.25. I managed to lose $163.85 at PokerPlex this month.
Today's results: -$24.70
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