If you like vampire type movies, or if you saw the original "Underworld", believe me when I say, Kate Beckinsale is the most drop-dead gorgeous vampire ever! Unlike many other undead/vampire/werewolf movies, these two movies are very well put together, fun-to-watch and visually exciting. Unfortunately, there is a rumor going around that Kate Beckinsale won't be in the third one. Meaning quite probably that it won't be as good as it's predecessors.
After I posted in my blog on Monday, and after dinner, etc., I ventured to Empire and played a $5+$1 SnG, which I placed third in for a $4 profit. This made me feel a little better. Well, until Tuesday...
Tuesday. Played exclusively at CD Poker. I had 3 tables going, and got clobbered once again. My Showdown/Won percentages took a beating as well. How can I put a donkey on 63, on an A75J4 board when the putz had to have voluntarily called three-bets cold preflop? Set losing to garbage, K-high double spade flush lost when A of spades hit on the river. Flopped two straights and lost to a 3 and 4 outer river fullhouse. I cannot afford to leave here. Ultimately their hideously good luck will even out and CD Poker will turn into an incredible goldmine.
Tuesday's result: -$96.00
Wednesday. I decided to move some money out of Pokerroom after reloading for another $100 bonus. I did markedly better. After losing two $2+$0.40 "Dirty Dozen" SnGs at CD Poker, I settled down to play some cash games there. I was about 2BB up, when I got dealt J4o in the BB. Three people limped in and I saw a flop of A44, two clubs. I checked, and one player bet, while another raised. I re-raised, and the man who had checked behind me, capped it. Uh-oh, I'm thinking, do you have the case 4, with a better kicker or did you limp with AA? All of us call the cap. Next card off is another club. Great! Going to lose this big pot to yet another flush. I check, flop capper checks. Whatthe...? Guy behind him bets, fold, I raise, re-raised by guy behind me. Call, call. The last four hits the river. I bet, called by guy who kept raising, fold by other guy. I scoop a huge pot. Guy next to me didn't even have a flush. He had ATo. With the two SnG losses, but up on the cash game table, I finish up almost $16 at CD Poker.
I venture over to Sun Poker to work some hands off towards their $40 monthly bonus. What a weird session this turned out to be. First off, I play there only about 1 hour. I only manage, in this hour, to earn 10.25 points towards my bonus. This is way below the norm for $1/$2 there. However, I kept getting dealt good pocket cards. What happens is that I am well ahead preflop, my opponent outflops me, but I have a hand I have to stay with, and I end up outdrawing my opponents. Again and again. In an hour I manage a $38 profit.
Wednesday's Result: +$54.20
Today being Thursday, I haven't played any poker. I go to breakfast with my Dad every Thursday morning [unless he has a doctor's appointment], and then go to work. I'm working for an online company, so my poker playing time is affected. I still usually manage a few hours daily. Perhaps I'll play tonight. If I do, I'll make another blog post tomorrow.
May there always be a road - Louis L'Amour
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