Friday was a scorcher! Mercury hit 98, which is quite hot here in the Bay Area.
After work, I played some Holdem, both during the afternoon and on into the sweltering evening. Took a small loss on CD Poker, then got embroiled in a $1250 Guaranteed there and finished out of the money. I played a little at Sun Poker and Pokerroom and did markedly better. Pokerroom continues to be very fruitful to my bankroll. I made 20BB in an hour there. Virtually broke even at Sun, up $3.38. This wasn't a bad result, considering I was behind most of the session.
Friday's results: +28.43
Saturday found me and my wife, Susan, off to the Isleton Crawdad Festival. Yeah. The day after the hottest day of the year, and we're going to go somewhere in the Central Valley [which is synonymous with heat] and mill around a small town with thousands of others. Think mini-Mardi Gras west, except the women aren't showing off their breasts for beads. :( Never been to this crawdad festival before. They, unfortunately, had but one crawdad vendor. You had to wait in a line of about 100 people to buy your crawdad food tickets. Then jump in the food line, numbering another 100 or so, to get your food. In the 100 degree heat. Of the outdoor foodcourt. In the sun. Where propane heat was coming out of every corner of the court. Nope, ended up getting a beer and a smoked hotlink. I think me and Sue will go up there in a few weekends and eat lunch at one of the local establishments and eat crawdads without the hassle. They had lots of beer and soda vendors, lots of other vendors. Not bad, but overrun with bikers, and just too damned hot.
We got home relatively early, and ended up eating dinner out after I got some NL cash game time in at CD Poker. No hands, no flops, and I finished down $17.80 Came home from dinner, house still sweltering, but outside had turned cool. So we opened some windows and doors. Sue took the computer in the dining room to play her latest arcade games on, I went into the office and was delighted I managed to get into a $3+$0.30 tournament on Stars. As soon as it started, I realized it was a Fixed Limit tournament. Uggh. Half an hour in , I decided I needed some NL action, so I started a NL tourney on Royal Vegas. Folks, don't play two tournaments which are on separate break schedules! Especially if you need a bathroom break....Anyway here are my results:
- PokerStars $3+$.30 FL Tournament. Top prize, $418, field of 558, I manage 28th, despite not playing FL tourneys all that much. Won $7.54, netting $4.24. Lost when my 77 all-in against AJo, sees a flop of J74, runner AA. Uggh.
- Royal Vegas, $3+$.50 NL Tournament. Top prize for a field of 76 was $68. Really thought this one would fill up more. I'll remember this in the future. I feel I am a shoe-in for the money despite only 10 places paid, and still mid-20 left. I get AA against a player who built his chipstack on crap hands getting lucky. Blinds are 150/300, I have 3800 chips left. I raise to 900 first in. This player and the BB call. Flop comes Q64. BB checks, I go all-in, luckbox calls [he has 250 chips left], BB folds. Luckbox shows QTo. Hits his T on the river. I wasn't happy. In fact, I called him a f*** idiot. Got warned by the tournament manager to watch my language. Basically told the tournament manager to either ban my chat function or STFU, but not to threaten me. Don't know if he turned my chat off or not, haven't been back to see, lol. Lost my tourney buy-in.
Saturday's results: sigh, -$17.06
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