03 February 2011

January Wrap-up

January was mostly 90-man SnGs, micro MTTs and satellites with a few sessions of cash games thrown in. Despite my horrid two-session live LHE fiasco, I did quite relatively well.

The SnG ROI for the month was 50.90% through 63 SnGs with the bulk being played in $1/90 KOs on PokerStars and $1/90 on Full Tilt.

MTTs/Satellites ran at a bad -73.43% ROI with most of the problems being in satellites despite an initial good start. I played a few $2 and $3 MTTs, which were above my bankroll. I know, that sounds funny, doesn't it.

Cash games were decent outside the live experience. I made $48.40, although I'm not certain how many hours I played. I played 10,322 hands although the play was spread between various levels of LHE and NLHE, so an overall rate of BB/100 [or ptBB/100 for NL] isn't easy to calculate. I do know I ran much better in LHE than NLHE, something that I need to remedy.

Stay tuned for my next post article where I go over my February goals.

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