I ran into an opponent today at TotalBet while trying to add more raked hands and clear this damned bonus. He is a very poor player, who is in a current luck streak. I watched him build up his stack to £120, before finally going on the inevitable downturn. Problem is, he left before I could get any hands to hold up against him.Hee managed yesterday to call my preflop raise with KK in EP with his powerful 63s in the BB. Of course, he hit a straight, and I had a new buddy. Today he did the same to my KK, only this time he limped with Q8o in EP, and once again filled the knucklehead straight. Everyone at TotalBet was doing that to me today. Flop a set? Lose to runner runner flush. I managed to hit AA twice in about 20 hands to put a dent back in my losses, but still finished down £57.75, wiping out yesterday's win. I figure I will finish this bonus just in time for the next crop of monthlies to start in March. Ah well, on to the Quest:
PokerStars: I changed my buy-in from $2 to $1 at these $0.01/$0.02 tables. Much better. As I surmised, more players were willing to call my all-ins when I had only a dollar or less in front of me. The powerhand today was AK, both suited and unsuited. I doubled up twice with it, going all-in on the flopped K-high board and getting called. The big hand at PokerStars today was that beauty 99 that flopped a set and went all-in against three calling opponents. Quadruple up? Nice. Finished up $3.55 after 5 hours.
Ultimate Bet wasn't as good today. I managed to rackoff the table the first time after losing both AA and QQ. Then I got ATs in the SB, and tripled up when I flopped the nutflush. About 2 hours later, I managed another triple up with AJo in the SB on a JJ4 flop. Still cannot understand how they can call off that many chips on gutshot draws. But I am not complaining. Due to the earlier losses, I only managed a $0.61 win, but added to the $0.81 bonus, and I did pretty good today.
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